Module 4 - Interpersonal Skills
In this module, you will be able to: ✔️Understand different communication styles (Teamwork communication, Workplace communication,..) ✔️Apply different communication styles to each dedicated environment
Module 3 - Vietnam Energy Market
In this module, you will be able to: ✔️Gain an overview of the energy market in Vietnam ✔️Identify Context, Opportunities & Challenges in the current energy industry.
Module 1 - Learning Agility
This module will ✔️Provide a foundation for the course, covering energy consumption and conservation, the importance of renewable energy; ✔️Identify renewable energy career opportunities and corresponding educational pathways.
Module 5 - Design Thinking
In this module, you will be able to: ✔️Demonstrate core values of Design Thinking ✔️Recall 5 stages of Design Thinking and apply to case studies
Module 2 - Clean Energy
This module provides a foundation for the course, covering energy consumption and conservation, the importance of renewable energy, and pathways to careers in renewable energy. Source: Coursera
Online Startup School: Micro Grid - Bahasa